Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all have epiphanies? If we could all have key moments in our life that stand out?  We actually do. What you have to look for is the connection between where it all started and where you are now. Start at the point where your ideal client is having his or her big shift. It may not be an epiphany – not just yet – but something in her life has made your current client search and find you (or watch your video, visit your site, take your quiz, etc.)

What was it? What made her suddenly become ready to move forward? What made her desperate enough to search for a change? Ready for the next step on a journey?

Once you identify that, you can more easily identify your own flashpoint where that became true for you too. That makes it easier to figure out what that next step ought to be – and if you’re the right person to provide it or help her toward it.

You see, relationship marketing really IS about relationships. That means ‘two-way street’, give and take. It’s not just you telling her what to do. If you’re a great coach, you will already know that we learn from our clients just as much as they learn from us. We see ourselves mirrored in their lives. That’s where to start. That’s where to ‘research’.

So, don’t stress about how to follow this process: It’s very much a “chicken-and-egg” situation. If you know your ideal client really well, focus on identifying the “why” moment in your own journey that will connect best.

If you don’t yet know who you are trying to reach and why, well, that’s the time to sit down and write your story. Don’t worry about which relevant details to choose – just get it out.